Everyone knows that poor health and obesity are some of the most contributing factors to an organization’s productivity loss. But how does it happen is the question that arises and needs to be answered. Did you know that as an adult you spend almost 1/4 of your life in the workplace, the pressure and demands of work that come along significantly affect your eating habits and activity patterns, which lead to overweight and obesity? In turn, Obesity has a significant positive association with absenteeism (measured as work-loss days) which is directly responsible for productivity loss. And the pressure and demands of work may affect their eating habits and activity patterns, which may lead to overweight and obesity. One of the biggest causes of obesity is unplanned food habits. Research has proven that stress leads to significant overeating. If your diet consists of unhealthy options like fast food, junk food, etc and then obesity starts becoming a major issue in our health index.

The good news is that now you can have an excellent corporate fruit delivery service by Fruit Box. Be it your evening meeting refreshments or snacks, fruits are an excellent option to be fresh for the meeting and also to take care of your health. That too when fruits or cut freshly and offered to you on the table, nothing better than that.