No Additives
We do not add any Additives hence our fruit pack is fresh
No Preservatives
We do not add any Preservatives to our fruit box.
Fast Delivery
Your orders will never be late, get quick and easy deliveries.
Hygienically Packed
The Fruits are packed using hygienic processes.
Pick Your Fruit Box
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Corporate Fruit Box
Order Fruits For The Special Occasions At Your Office.
Customers Reviews
"I was able to get a Balanced diet complementing my Home Food. Fruit Box is an excellent concept."

Mila Kunis
"I start my day in office with a Fruit Box. I would recommend this option for distressing at the start of the day."

Mila Kunis
Their service is really fast. They delivered in 30 minutes I would like to say thank you to your staff."

Mike Sendler
We Guarantee
Fresh & Natural Fruits
No Chemicals , No Preservatives, No Artificial Sweeteners only Natural Products